If you have been in therapy but feel stuck, or have not started yet and are wondering if it will be useful but don't know where to start, or maybe you are not interested in therapy itself but need some help thinking over a situation that is challenging, then consultation can be helpful for you.
A consultation can be one long session or a couple of them where you present your case for a new and unbiased opinion, assessment, conceptualization, and recommendations.
When having a consultation, you don't need to be shy, hesitant or worry about trust issues. Consultation gives you an opportunity to express completely, with total honesty and curiosity, without worrying about developing a relationship with the consultant. The consultant will provide you with an informed perspective of your situation and possible solutions without holding any agenda.
The consultation can:
corroborate a diagnosis or explain the reasons for the diagnosis does not to apply;
assess the type of treatment that better suits your needs, personality, and symptoms;
recommend the changes in treatment or the type of treatment that could give better results;
explain some of the reasons why a specific treatment has not helped;
orient about the different types of practices and professions that could benefit you;
help you develop a strategy for overcoming the challenges that you are facing, among others. ​